

偶尔, students experience hardships which prevent them from continuing their academic courses and/or programs in the current semester. 在这种情况下,学生可以申请困难退学.

困难的例子包括, 但不限于, 医疗或卫生紧急情况, death or illness of a loved one and demonstrated financial loss that cannot be remedied by 金融援助.

困难退学适用于正在退出的学生 所有 学期课程. 你可以参考 校历 以确定您是否可以退出所选课程或如果你超过了截止日期, 你可以和你的学院一起提交学术请愿书.


Making the decision about withdrawing for the semester is a difficult one and is a last resort decision. You should first consider options that will make forward academic progress whenever possible. 当你在决定艰难退出是否适合你的时候, 考虑以下几点:

  • 你有没有和老师一起完成这门课的不完整部分? 如果你以实质性的方式参加了课程, your faculty may approve you taking an incomplete and give you more time to finish the course work.
  • 你问过你的老师是否可以把你的评分改成“及格/不及格”? Please speak with your academic advisor regarding that process to see if this would be a good option for you.
  • 你有没有考虑过放弃一两门课来减轻学分负担? 如果你在上课的前10天内, you can withdraw yourself for the semester by logging on to VandalWeb and withdrawing from courses without any notation of that course on your transcript. You will also want to consult with 金融援助 to determine if that will affect any aid or scholarships based on your new credit load. 有关一般提款程序的更多信息可在此找到 在这里.

取决于你的情况, pursuing these options may be a better solution than taking a full semester withdrawal because you will continue to make forward academic progress.


在你开始艰难的退出程序之前, 在提交申请之前,请考虑以下几点.

  • 如果你获得了本学期的经济援助,你正在申请退出, contact the 金融援助 office at 208-885-6312 to learn more about potential impacts of the withdrawal.
  • If you received Veteran’s benefits for the semester you are petitioning to withdraw from contact the Veteran Assistance office at 208-885-7989 to learn more about potential impacts of the withdrawal.
  • 如果你获得了体育(NCAA)奖学金, you need to contact 金融援助 at 208-885-6312 to determine potential impacts to your scholarship.
  • If you currently live in on-campus housing contact 住房 and 居住生活 at 208-885-6571 to discuss next steps for your housing contract obligations.
  • If you are an international student on an F-1 or J-1 visa contact the International Programs Office at 208-885-8984 to learn more about potential impacts of the withdrawal.
  • If you received accommodations for the semester contact the 残疾人访问和资源中心 at 208-885-6307 to discuss next steps for your accommodations.


申请艰难困苦的最后期限是5便士.m. 在期末考试前的最后一天上课. 这通常是期末考试前的周五,但你应该咨询 校历 当然.

如果你不能在截止日期前完成, 请联系你的学院开始学术申请程序.


申请学期困难退学,你必须提交一份 艰苦条件撤回申请 将以下文档上传到表格或, 就个人陈述而言, 在表格内回答:

  • 一份针对以下内容*的个人陈述:
    • Explain the hardship that occurred that prevented you from withdrawing by the academic withdrawal deadline. Provide specific dates when the events occurred and how the circumstances impacted your ability to meet your academic requirements.
    • 解释为什么你没有在截止日期前退出本学期.
    • Describe the steps you took to address your extenuating circumstances as they began to affect your academics.
  • Documentation that supports and verifies the circumstances and dates provided in your personal statement. 文件应以商业信笺抬头,证明人(如.g. 医生、律师、顾问、雇主等.).  医疗费用, 法律诉讼, 讣告, 其他相关的情况证明文件也是可以接受的.
  • 如果困难与医疗问题有关, 护理提供者必须有合法的, 以健康为由支持休学请求. 如果他们没有为学生提供治疗, 或者只有有限的信息, 他们可能没有足够的知识来提供文档. 医疗服务提供者提供的文件必须包含以下内容:
    • 护理提供者的姓名/办公室抬头
    • 一份简短的陈述,表明你是病人或客户
    • 发病日期
    • 医疗日期
    • 您身体状况的一般性质
    • 你的身体状况是如何阻碍你完成课程的
    • 你最后一次上课的时间
  • 如果学生目前没有护理人员, 学生健康服务 可以咨询医疗问题和 心理咨询和心理健康中心 可以咨询心理健康问题吗.  

*注意: 如果有任何部分未完整填写,您的申请将不予批准.


在退款截止日期之后,365滚球官网通常不会发放退款. 然而,在困难提款的情况下,明尼苏达大学会根据 这个时间表. 任何财政信贷将完全基于困难退出提交的日期, 最后一次出勤时没有.


当困难提取申请提交时, 它将被审查,批准或拒绝. 如果申请被拒绝,学生将收到一封表明申请被拒绝的电子邮件.


  • 教务处的工作人员通知学生 司法常务官办公室学生账户学生健康保险住房 & 居住生活和 金融援助 以你的名义撤回.
  • 如果你在学业截止日期内退学,你可以退学. If it is after the deadline to withdraw, the 司法常务官办公室 will withdraw your enrollment. Your transcript will be notated with a WU grade for each class; WU grades do not affect GPA or academic standing and do not count toward your withdraw credits.
  • 学生账户将审核您的账户,并向您收取任何未付费用. 审核学生账户需要10天到两周的时间. 如果你没有余额或有信用, 除了退款外,我们还会出具一份声明, 如果你符合条件. Be sure your current permanent address is on file in order to avoid financial holds on your registration or charges for late payments.
  • 如果你住在大学宿舍, 你应该通知 住房 & 居住生活 安排一个时间搬出去并归还你的钥匙.
  • 如果你是一个独立的学生, we do NOT notify your parents/guardians unless you have signed a waiver releasing us to do so. If you have done so, but have not communicated that you are withdrawing, you need to notify them. 如果他们联系了学校并且有释放文件的话, 我们将向他们提供我们掌握的信息.
  • 因为戒毒会影响你的学业, 财政援助和家庭财务计划, you need to talk openly with your family members so that they can support you and help you re-evaluate your academic and health plan.
  • 如果你正在领取退伍军人福利, 你必须通知退伍军人服务处,以避免你的援助中断.
  • 如果你是持签证的国际学生, 你必须通知国际项目办公室,以确定签证合规的下一步步骤.
  • 如果你获得了体育奖学金(NCAA), 你必须通知田径,以避免扰乱你的状态.


所有伊利诺伊大学的学生, 包括研究生和专业学生, are eligible for hardship withdrawals as long as the request is for the term in which you are currently enrolled and if you are wishing to withdraw from all coursework. 如果你想中场休息的话, 或者退出选定的课程, 你必须联系你的学术顾问或学院办公室.

Academic regulations prohibit the Dean of Students office from selectively withdrawing students from individual classes. 我们也不能让学生从之前完成的任何学期中退学. Students wishing to withdraw from a summer session should understand that all sessions are considered part of a single term; if you only wish to withdraw from a single session, 你必须通过你的学院申请.

获得佩尔助学金的学生, 直接学生贷款, 家长PLUS贷款和其他财政支持通过 金融援助 & 奖学金 办公室 应该联系办公室 之前 要退出.

一般来说,如果你退出一个学期,你的资助将在接下来的一年被暂停. 然而, you can contact the dean’s office of your academic college to assist you with petitioning to have your aid reinstated.

在你退学的时候,注册官会被告知你是由于困难原因离开的. 经济援助问题是单独处理的. You must contact your academic dean’s office directly if you plan to return to campus and request to have your aid reinstated.

在退款截止日期之后,365滚球官网通常不会发放退款. 然而,在困难提款的情况下,明尼苏达大学会根据 这个时间表.

If you are enrolled in the University of Idaho Student 健康 Insurance Program (SHIP), please email health@buzoianu.net 关于你继续获得保险的资格.  The email should be sent from your official Vandal email and include your name and Vandal number.

If you need to drop a single class you have been attending, you must follow the withdrawal process 在这里找到.

如果你被批准艰难调离, you will have “WU” as a code on your transcript indicating that you withdrew from the semester. “WU”不计入总退学学分,也不影响你的GPA.


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